Low carbohydrate alternatives to rice/pasta & spuds?


Registered User
Not sure if this is the most appropriate thread ... it's a recommendation question I suppose.

Just started Atkins diet and don't really want to get into bizarre recipes for weird bread and odd tasting pasta alternatives - I want to try and make do with natural stuff.

E.g. I saw a suggestion to cut leeks into fine ribbons and fry in hot oil for about 20 seconds or so - magic! a kind of crispy noodle alternative?!


I'm trying it tonight anyway.

Any other suggestions?

(please try not to make comments that may drag this into medical discussion - thanks)
I heard of parsnip fries before, basically thinly cut parsnip deep fried, not sure if this this is what you are looking for? Or cauliflower can be used as an alternative to potatoes (not my cup of tea though! )
I heard of parsnip fries before, basically thinly cut parsnip deep fried, not sure if this this is what you are looking for?

Yes!! Good one - I'll just have to check the content but I think it'll be OK.
This is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for.

Or cauliflower can be used as an alternative to potatoes (not my cup of tea though! )

Mashed? I'm already doing this one. I suppose it's edible. Gets sickening pretty quickly though.
Stirfried veg, salad? That's what I substitute for pasta/spuds/rice at dinner time. Or oven roasted veg ( like pepper, tomatoes cut in half with a sprinkling of chopped shallot, basil and olive oil, asparagus etc).

For lunch I use the simple 'zero points' vegetable soup from weightwatchers or a salad.

Very simple but effective ( I've lost the christmas weight already with the above!).

I should add though I am not on the atkins diet! Tried that once years ago and felt sick the whole time. I still have carbs a couple of times a week, just not every day.
Have you tried mashed celeriac ?
Its very nice and much lower carb content than spuds.
Stirfried veg, salad? That's what I substitute for pasta/spuds/rice at dinner time. Or oven roasted veg ( like pepper, tomatoes cut in half with a sprinkling of chopped shallot, basil and olive oil, asparagus etc).

This kind of thing has kind of become my lunch - but thanks.

I should add though I am not on the atkins diet! Tried that once years ago and felt sick the whole time.

I've heard that alright - I'm fine so far (3 days) but I'm not going to continue if it gets that bad.

Have you tried mashed celeriac ?
Its very nice and much lower carb content than spuds.

Sounds like maybe another good option - thanks.
I use Ryvita a lot as a low carb/high fibre option.

I used to make Ryvita Pizzas - take 4 Ryvitas, arrange on a plate, drizzle with pesto, sprinkle with tomato, chopped scallion, peppers, (any veg of your choice really), chicken/tuna (again, any meat of your choice or not if you prefer). Sprinkle cheese on top and pop into warm oven for melting, yummy - and just as filling as a real pizza.

I also use wholemeal pitta bread as a lower carb alternative (I know there are still carbs in it, but much less in one wholemeal pitta bread - which is quite filling - than in a helping of roast potatoes eh?) and you can stuff practically anything into them, spag bol without the spag, meat and veg and any sauce you like, plain old cheese and ham toasties etc...
Thanks truthseeker - not entirely sure about the suitability of Ryvita but yes, I've heard that wholemeal pitta bread can be consumed - literally one a day though as I think it would constitute the max. daily carbs at the early stages!
Lentils? ( Lentil stew, lentil loaf, lentil patties, lentil flan, cassoulet...), bouillabaisse ( without any rice), stews, souffles, broad beans and other beans, pulses etc ? frittatas, omelettes, have a nice recipe for a tomato and ricotta roulade ( but there is a 1/4 cup of flour in it).


broad beans and other beans, pulses etc?



Yeah, they're fine.

...tomato and ricotta roulade ( but there is a 1/4 cup of flour in it).

So once again, nope. But thanks anyway

Just had a load of peppers, mushrooms and onions fried in olive oil with chorizo and tomatoes/coleslaw on the side - which doesn't sound bad for a 'diet' I suppose.