
Note: This displays 1 page of the LOST script. It has an interesting hint, but its not going to spoil the series for you. It doesnt give away anything, its just gives more questions really.

go to [broken link removed]

click on the barcode symbol at the bottom of the screen
Enter this - "theislandiswaiting"

Patience not being one of my virtues. I obtained the last two episodes and the first in the new series. That script page just seems odd!!

The first episode of the new series is crazy!!!
Noticed something interesting today when I got my "Word of the Day". There was a 17th century philosopher by the name of John Locke. Not sure if this has been covered here already. Love the show myself and have looked at boards.ie but it's next to impossible to read any of the threads as they all have spoilers!

[broken link removed]


I had a look on wikipedia about the program and they talk about this. Also, there was another philosopher that was at odds with Locke. Her name was Jean-Jacques Rousseau who the character Danielle Rousseau is based on. I guess in the second series they will have a few moments!
Hi All

What did you make of last night's episode?? I thought it was very interesting ...and very well done. Especially the part where you think all the islanders on the raft are going to be saved!

Has anyone ANY idea when rte2 are going to start screening series 2???
I started watching this series about half way through and got hooked with the suspense. But do they have to do the whole "wont someone save my baby?" ham acting thing. Cringing. I know they tried to get a few unknowns to play the parts, and you can definitely see that but the producers/directors could definitely do a better job in parts. btw, any Stephen King fans out there who think the whole story smacks of his very unique writing style? (multi character exploring, character history coming back to haunt, lots of hidden talents in every one that are only exposed at the right time. etc,etc)

I would have liked to have seen more answers then questions in the episode last night. Otherwise its not like the end of a series at all, its just another episode and we have to wait months for the next one.
They might as well have Bobby Ewing coming out of the shower in the next one.... or crawling up that shaft followed by Pamela in some surreal hollywood twist. Now Id pay to see that. Ive said too much again havent I? Someone make the voices stop....
Yeah, Claire was getting on my nerves in last nights episode. She is definitely one of the weaker actors on the show. But I really did love the raft bit
Loved last nights episode but hated the fact that Walt was taken by those men. I was screaming at the telly for someone to save him!!!

What was that thing that held onto Locke?

Hope its not going to be months before we get the next series or we are bound to here whats going to happen which I hate. It's the unexpectedness that I love as there is hardly anything on now that you don't get the plot beforehand!
Wikipedia has all the airdates for season one and two. There is nothing there for Ireland or the UK yet. I had mixed feelings about the end of series one, but after watching the first episode of season2 I am hooked all over again!!

Be careful if you do look up Lost on wikipedia as it has episode summaries for season one and some of season two.
Didn't get into it at all at the start but watched the last three weeks of double episodes and totally hooked now - that bit last night when they sent off the flare was seriously scary - first I thought it was a whale or something but then when you heard the motor boat sound all I could think was "this can't be good, I mean who would be out there in the middle of nowwhere in such a small boat at that hour of the night" - and as soon as you realised it wasn't the baby the others were after but that the mad woman was still talking about hearing them say "they came back for the boy" the only other boy on the island was Walt so wasn't surprised at them taking him and didn't for one minute think they were saved... Anyone think the people on the boat were the people who had originally landed with the french woman??
Really creepy series - hate being left hanging like that though!
I thought that the "monster" sounded an awful lot like the noises that Walt's video game made (the one he was playing while waiting in the airport).
FiveFingers said:
I thought that the "monster" sounded an awful lot like the noises that Walt's video game made (the one he was playing while waiting in the airport).

didnt spot that but that would make sense becasue he was reading the comic book which had a picture of a polar bear, and of course a polar bear appeared on the island.
Originally Posted by Son of Jarel
Noticed something interesting today when I got my "Word of the Day". There was a 17th century philosopher by the name of John Locke. Not sure if this has been covered here already. Love the show myself and have looked at boards.ie but it's next to impossible to read any of the threads as they all have spoilers!

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His contributions to philosophy include the theory of knowledge known as empiricism, which addressed the limits of what we can understand about the nature of reality. Locke held that our understanding of reality ultimately derives from what we have experienced through the senses.

I think you're onto something Son of Jarel. Did anyone think, in last night’s episode, that the chief ‘rescuer’ who then abducted Walt looked like an old fashioned pirate? And Locke said he's “a man of faith” and not science like Jack! Like 16th or 17th century? My guess is that they’re in some kind of a time warp and getting a chance to change their futures. Locke gave a very strange look towards the mad French woman, as if he knew her, so there must be a connection there. The fat guy (what's his name) is maybe the most interesting character and the mad French woman the least credible - IMHO.

If it was the 'others' who took Walt, and also who took the french woman's child Alex 16 years ago - then was Alex one of the people on the boat? Has he become one of the 'others'?

Gripping stuff though - did anyone manage to find out when season 2 is starting on RTE?
car said:
was Hurley not also reading that comic on the plane?

yeah he was, I think Walt just found it on the beach after the crash.

Also, heard on today fm series 2 doesnt start until about 7 months time.
What i want to know is how come Kate dosent have any roots growing out by now. In the episode before the last it showed Kate dying her hair from Blonde to Brown so shouldnt she be needing a retouch by now!! Also the mad french woman had scratches on her arm and it was only when Claire seen them that she remembered she inflicted them on her. So Was the mad french woman in Kahoots with Ethan and if so does she know who the others are or may be one of the "others"!!
And how comes the womenfolk all seem to have bright red lipstick on ALL the time? And doesnt anyone get sunburn?
Didnt the producers employ a continuity consultant? tsk, tsk..