Lost the bottom of Visa Waiver Form


Registered User
Back from the US 2 weeks now. But when departing the US, I could not find the bottom slip from the Visa Waiver Form. I asked the girl what happens now, she wasnt very helpful and just said I would have problems coming back in.

What does she mean by this, and what would happen If I decided to go back.
Who do I contact about this (if any)

It means they will think I never left (and after the 90 day waiver) could they come looking for me lol
You should ask for help from the US embassy here - explain what happened and that the immigration people were not helpful over there. They should be able to do something for you. It is possible that you will be stopped the next time for overstaying your visa. They used to not be fussy about this but times have changed.
Hi Scully, I would not be overly worried about this, I lost mine once and had no problems getting back (a few years ago) and have been back since then. If you're really worried I guess you could give the American Embassy a shout? and run it by them.
I wouldn't worry about it but I would do something about it as recommended by extopia. The worst case scenario would be that the system thinks that you never left so that any attempts to return will result in refusal, deportation (if applicable) and/or prison for a while.
Did you go through the new electronic US-Visit thing to exit the country?
I had to use a machine a bit like an ATM which did the whole fingerprint & photo thing again to leave the use (that was about 2 wks ago too) separately to that the Homeland Security person took the green card out of the passport.
After ringing the US Embassy in Dublin, they told me they couldnt help and I was to ring a 1580 number which costs 2.40 per minute. So I rang and spoke with them, they told me that I need to ring the Dublin US Embassey (which i was already speaking to) and ask them to send me out an I94W form. Which I have to fill in and send back to somewhere in Kentucky.

So back again I rang the US Embassy in Dublin. They told me that on there side they dont handle things like that, and the best thing to do is ring the US Immigrations in Dublin or Shannon where all that type of documents are.

It was Shannon I flew out of, so i rang them instead. Got through to a really nice women. Told the story, asked about this document and how i can get it. She said not strictly true what i have been told previously. I asked what problems would I have etc etc. She told me that its not a major problem, and the best thing to do if travelling to the US again, to show my airline ticket stub from leaving the US previously. Which I have kept in my passport. phew.

The only thing is I may not go to the US until late next year or maybe even the year after. So when this 90 day is up in Jan what will happen then. Will any letter come or big husky dark clothed guys come looking for me lol.
Round Tuit said:
Did you go through the new electronic US-Visit thing to exit the country?
I had to use a machine a bit like an ATM which did the whole fingerprint & photo thing again to leave the use (that was about 2 wks ago too) separately to that the Homeland Security person took the green card out of the passport.

No I had my fingerprint and photo taken at shannon.
But when coming home, all i needed to do was hand them my passport, they automatically took this green thing out as my partner had one, but when they took mine i saw it wasnt there.
This happened to a friend of mine - she rang the 1850 no. blah blah - got the runaround from everyone and was told it was "her responsibility to ensure the card was handed in when leaving the country". To cut a long story short she went back with her boyfriend for a holiday a few months later. No probs. I think contacting US embassy a waste of time. Get whatever form you need to fill in from Shannon and sort it out that way. Otherwise you could be refused entry next time round.
hansov said:
Have a look here. [broken link removed]

thanks for the link, it sure is alot more clearer.
I do have payslips, departure boarding passes & bank statements, laser card statements etc to send them.

Hopefully this wont cause too much hassle when going to the US next time.
I'm in the same situation - lost the visa waiver form coming back from the states in 2000 and am now planning to go again in December. After contacting the US embassy here and going on line i decided to send the relevant documentation to Kentucky. Luckily my travelling partner (then and now) had kept his boarding pass stub, and we both have lots of documents to prove we've been living (and spending) in Ireland since then. So hopefully it'll be okay. I was particularly concerned because my last holiday was pre 9/11 so although the girl in the airport didn't look particularly concerned when we came home in 2000, I'm guessing they are way stricter now. We're going to bring all of our documents with us this time - the suggestions they list on teh website include boarding pass stubs, pay slips, credit card bills and passport stamps to prove you've visited other countries in the intervening period.
Was so glad to read this post - thought it was just me!!
No need to worry in the near future. I heard that the US are planning on attaching RFID tags to these forms when you enter the states so they can track where you are.
thats a good idea.
surely by putting them into your passport is not a very safe way of handly them. esp for me when i needed my passport evey day for the theme parks, i was taking it in and out of my bag. I didnt even know there was a green slip there. As when entering the US they took the green form and my passport, and just gave me back my passport closed. I couldnt see over there desk what they were doing.

at least i know now how to get it sorted just in case. as when im debt free we may travel again.
scully said:
thats a good idea.
surely by putting them into your passport is not a very safe way of handly them.
What would you suggest as an alternative?

esp for me when i needed my passport evey day for the theme parks
Disneyland is not a real country so I don't think you need your passport to get in.
they could possibly staple it to the passport?
My flexi-tickets would not work all the time, so i needed my passport to proove i owned the ticket etc. So needed it every morning.
yes they staple it to the passport.

The RFID rumor is a bit mad- anyone who was 'up to no good' would simply ditch the card as soon as they left the airport.
The first time I went to the States they stapled it to my passport, the second time they didn't. Hence the problem. Of course, I found it days later in my luggage but by then it was too late :(
If they fail to staple it then you could always borrow a stapler (in the airport, hotel or other destination) and do it youself.