Lost ring -what to do?


Registered User
2 weeks ago I found a ladies wedding/eternity ring in the carpark at work (large company). I put up a number of notices on the work electronic notice board and a notice in the carpark and got no calls at all, I have renewed these notices every couple of days and still nothing.
The ring looks quiet expensive (I'm no expert but I'd say approx E1500).
I'm not sure what to do with it now. Someone suggested handing it into the Gardai which I quickly laughed off, has anyone got any suggestions?
Suggest group email to everybody in work, you could also put up a notice on local shop notice board, or advert in local free newspaper. Failing this I would say hand it in to the gardai, I know I lost my keys a while back but somebody had handed them in to the gardai - chances are the person believes they lost it somewhere else - if they are going to claim for it on their insurance etc then they will notify the local gardai anyway.
get a jeweller to have a look at the hallmarks inside - each gold smith etc has a unique hallmark - this could be used to identify the ring - if it's expensive the jeweller will have the clients details on file.
If you don't want to hand it in to the gardai, why not let them know you have it and if anyone reports a missing ring, the gardai can put them in contact with you.
The person who lost the ring will have to report it to the police to claim the insurance. Go to your local garda station and tell them you found the ring. Any report of a missing ring should be on their computer system.
The Lost and Found ads in the Evening Herald are still free as far as I'm aware. I have found money a few times and was able to trace the owner by advertising there.