Lost National Insurance Number - No Reply from HMRC

It shows Class 3 on the website but I've done up a letter to send in addition to my online application where I explain that I have been working ever since I left the UK.
I grew up in the North and went to college in Scotland. Had a few jobs there but didn't pay tax as I was a student.
When I came back to Northern Ireland I did 3-4 months night shift in a coleslaw factory before moving to Dublin. I hated that job but it could turn out to be the highest returning job I've ever done
I think I qualify for Class 2 because I went straight into work after leaving the UK. Let's see if they agree.
Hi everyone
I am in the same boat worked over 8 years in uk can't retrieve my no but I did call and got through after 30 minutes she said it would take up to 8 weeks as the deadline is 8th of April I was stressed so plan b was to go to newry. Impossible to get through on phone got reply by email but they said they might not have information going back over 10 yrs on computer but I'm off this week so might bring the wife up shopping Wednesday worth a try??bringing along birth certificate passport old address s. Does anyone think it will be extended as I would like to top up
Anyone else know about the records they can access in Newry?

A friend is heading there as she’s waiting on her NI number for a few weeks now and is getting worried.

She worked on London in late 1980s
What is the address of the office in Newry and is an appointment required? Might do a day trip with all the documents I have from time working up there to try and unearth my NI number.
Worst case scenario - put in the CF83 & add a cover letter that you are tracing your NI number. Again, recorded delivery is essential.
It shows Class 3 on the website but I've done up a letter to send in addition to my online application where I explain that I have been working ever since I left the UK.
You are in same situation as me, I didn't have the 3 years minimum work record in UK but qualified based on prsi record since leaving UK.
However I think that if you need prsi record to make up the minimum 3 years work record you are then automatically class 3, that's what I was told on phone more or less.
But if you qualify without needing prsi record then your prsi record can be used to get you class 2s. That's my understanding, I was hoping that my prsi record could also get me to class 2 but I think not
Silly question but obviously the documents you have don't contain it somewhere?
NI number used by Payroll was a Temporary number - basically TN followed by my date of birth and M for male.
I have a copy of the form applying for NI number back in 2001 but not sure if I ever got allocated one.
Waiting on form Ca5403 reply form mid feb which I think might be getting worked on and have also requested a call back which they told me counts as being in before the deadline. Will give another few days anyway to hopefully get NI number and then either go to Newry and see if they can find me and if no joy I'll send in the CF83 without the NI number and as suggested a note explaining that it is pending.
Hopefully that get me covered.
Got letter back from Newcastle today in post saying they couldn't find my NI number. Going to head to Newry on Tuesday with all my P60s and correspondence from Revenue to see if they can find me but there's a possibility I was never issued a NI number and all my contributions were paid under a temporary number. If thats the case I'm hoping that's not the end of the road. I'm registered for call back anyway which should get me past deadline and I'll get a CF83 in before 5 April even if I have to write note saying I'm waiting on NI number.
Were you just able to turn up without an appointment?

I didn't have one, I wouldn't worry about that, the receptionist did it for me, very helpful, but have everything possible with you plus 2 photo id's - think long and hard about dates and addresses! Even the streets or one part of the street/s name etc and the area, obviously more precise the better
Hi, I’m in a similar situation, worked in Scotland while I was a student 2000-2004 including full time hours over summers etc but HMRC cannot find any trace of me. I thought I had my NINo - it was scribbled in an old notebook, but HMRC are saying this is not it - I don’t have a NINo. Unfortunately I don’t have any payslips/p60 and former UK employer doesn’t have records going back this far. Is there anything else I can try??
Is it possible I lived and worked in UK without a NINo for that long??
See previous posts, with time running out a visit to NI *might* help but you need some type of address details etc and be sure you had an actual NI number. I'm not so up on temporary ones but it seems not so straightforward to go from temp to actual, maybe others know more.
Thanks for that. I don’t remember applying for one or being asked to apply for one.

On the off chance I rang HMRC again this morning and this time they found me on the system and told me I had a ‘temporary’ NI number. Saves a trip to Newry but now I have a new problem, as I don’t live in the UK I can’t apply for a ‘full’ NI number and therefore can’t apply to make voluntary contributions. I’m glad they found me, but now is there anything I can do to make the NI contributions I would have paid over all these years count and enable me to pay the vc’s?
Were there contributions paid? If so they are surely legally obliged to ensure you can access them, maybe CAB again in Northern Ireland might be more helpful.
Think I might be in the same boat as I had a Temporary NI number. I found a copy of a form applying for an NI number but can't prove if it was sent and received by HMRC and I don't have a record of being allocated a proper NI number.
Going to do the Newry trip, firstly to see if they can find me, and then ask them about getting full NI number given there were definitely contributions made and I had a full address up there for a few years. Might as well keep chasing this as the payback is definitely worth the effort.