Lost my camera on hols, claiming from VHI.


Registered User
I'm on hols at the moment and last night I left my camera in a taxi. I am wondering will I have a problem claiming this back from VHI because I was the one at fault for leaving it in the taxi. My husband bought me the camera at Xmas so we have receipts.

Thanks, Tilly.
Hi Tilly,
You must report the loss to the police, and get a report from them, also make contact with the Taxi company if you can. Following these two efforts I dont think you can do any more. Ask the Taxi company to put in writing that they have not been able to trace your camera.They will probably look favourable on your loss through your travel insurance. Good Luck Browtal
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Also agree with above - deffo contact the taxi company or go to the rank where you got the taxi and ask around. What is the done thing in the country you are in when something is left in a taxi. perhaps there is a lost and found central office or phone no to ring.
Thanks guys,

The hotel rang the taxi company for us. We also spoke to one of the taxi drivers and he said they put it out with the taxi drivers twice and nothing was found or handed in. We went to the police but there was no one there that spoke English and they asked us to come back today but we travelled home yesterday. The hotel said they will lodge it with the police for us.

So we have nothing from the police station to say we lost it. We could get something from the hotel butI don't know if this will be enough for VHI. I'll ring them later today and see.