Lost keys Skoda Octavia


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we have searched high and low and have come to the conclusion that the keys were left in the front door. Have had the locksmith out to sort out the house but dunno what to do about the car? Do we need to go to a skoda dealer or is there anywhere else we can go? How much will it cost? how long will it take? We have an alarm on the car that was fitted after it was bought, can new alarm fob be made for existing alarm (wasn't on the keys but was lost before!) At the moment the alarm is on using a spare non fob thing. Any ideas what the best course of action is? It is a 01 octavia in case that makes a difference
ok cool, we'll go to the place where we bought it so. We have a spare key any chance that they can re code it or something do you think and decode the missing one or is that impossible?
They should be able to code a key using the chassis number. I needed a key coded ..... it cost me €100 from a main dealer. Be prepared for a price shock.
we paid 100 quid today to a lock smith for the front door so that is pretty good! do you get it the same day like could they code while I wait?
plus we dont want to same key code cos the person who has our key knows where we live, can they do that?
plus we dont want to same key code cos the person who has our key knows where we live, can they do that?

Changing codes could be a different ball game because your car's set for that code. Only the dealer can tell you that. I got it coded there and then but I had rung up to confirm that it could be done.
rang dealer there and it will be wednesday before they can do anything cos they don't hold key blanks on site
they were meant to ring me back with a price. Neighbour dropped the keys in today so we don't need them now! Rang dealer back and they were like oh the girl is gone home but I think they are already ordered and I told her well she was supposed to ring me back with a price! If she ordered without ringing me with price she can sing for it. So happy we found the keys though
I gave her a basket of homemade chocolate truffles that I was making for christmas presents otherwise I would have given her some brownies!