I'm looking for some advice please.
We went sale agreed on a house last September. This house is a repossessed property.
Since Sept it's been a long and stressful struggle to get to the point we are at today.
It transpires the repossessed houses deeds are missing. The bank nor the receiver had them and it's taken them this long to contact the solicitor of the former owner. He has stated that he's lost them and immediately on hearing this, the bank are sending out a Field Based Operative to visit the solicitors premises in Monday morning.
I'm at my wits end and just want to give up on this, however my husband is adamant to see it through. Our daughter is starting school in Sept and I want a house by then.
Can anyone advise on what exactly this Field Exec from the bank intends on doing on their visit - when they've been told already the deeds are lost?
Can they be replaced and how long does that take?
Will our mortgage lender accept replacements?
What's the timeline on something like this being rectified?
My head hurts from it all!