Loss of credit cards on holidays - identity theft worry?


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My wife lost her purse while on holidays recently. There was almost no money in it, but her Mastercard and Maestro card were in it, as well as that little EU blue health insurance card with her PPS number on it. Although we cancelled the two bank cards immediately, and there should be no financial concerns, the purse was never handed in. Should we be concerned about identity theft, and what steps can be taken now to protect against it? I'm not even entirely sure what the consequences could be!
Not much you can do but I'm not sure that identity theft is that much of a risk in situations like this. Basically just keep an eye on all financial transactions, communications etc. on the (slim?) offchance that something comes of this theft. Did you also cancel the EHIC and get a new one issued if that's necessary? Were there any unauthorised transactions on the cards? Anything else (e.g. any other identifying info such as names/addresses etc.) lost?
I checked with the banks and no unauthorised transactions have taken place, and as far as I know there were no other significant items in the purse, other than a safety deposit slip which would be needed (with a key) for access in a local bank, but we moved boxes immediately afterwards anyway. The ID theft was the main worry. I know the missus has requested the issue of a new EHIC card, but I didn't think to cancel the original. Will do that now. Thanks.