Loss of BBC3 & BBC4 on Chorus Digital


Registered User

I have lost BBC3, BBC4 and some other extra channels on my Chorus digital service. I am located in Fingal.

Chorus say that the loss is caused by rewiring that I had done in my house... wait for it.... in 1999! The channels had worked until recently. Their technician called out and restored BBC3 and BBC4. They tried to stick me with a a 40 Euro call out charge.

I lost the extra channels again after a general outage in my area one Friday some weeks ago. I called out the technician again, but, this time he said that the loss of the extra channels was due to a drop in signal quality caused by on-going upgrading to their network and it would resolve itself...sometime later! I got back on to Customer Service and they eventually agreed to credit me the 40 Euro charge as a once off goodwill gesture.... which was generous of them!

Before I start to withold part of my monthly payment, has anyone else lost BBC3 & BBC4 on their Chorus digital subscription? Other channels, including Sky Sports Channels, are all working okay!

It may be time to remove all the Chorus cables from my property altogether and ride out with the devil Mr Murdoch and SKY.
hey carpedeum

This happened to us, in Fingal too. BBC3, BBC4, CBeebies, CBBC and MGM movies (that we were aware of) disappeared just after the merger of NTL and Chorus, a few months ago. We rang up and were told 'well, noone else has complained about that' - eh, so what, we are?? Finally they said they'd look into it. 2 weeks later we get home one day to find the card 'we called but you weren't in...' Maybe if they'd said they'd call and when, we might have been there. Anyway it was the final straw and we'd been thinking about sky for a while and switched last month. Not worth the countless calls about this or that. I rang chorus to cancel before we got sky installed but you have to give one month's notice so be aware of that if you're switching. Now I'm waiting for the payment to go out next week for half of august so I can cancel the direct debit cos I don't trust them to have cancelled us properly. They never rang to organise a pick up of equipment (as they said they would), although I know of other people whose stuff hasn't been disconnected in over a year.
They never rang to organise a pick up of equipment (as they said they would), although I know of other people whose stuff hasn't been disconnected in over a year.

NTL didn't collect from me either - when I called them about it they said that once the contract ran for a year the equipment was mine to keep.

Trish, I suggest you cancel the direct debit immediately - I cancelled Chorus in June, and, had I not cancelled the DD, would still have been paying the full rate as I only received the final invoice today (after several emails and overdue account demands). Apparently Customer Service and Accounts don't liaise with each other, so it's likely that accounts don't know you're cancelling and will merrily continue to charge you!

The chorus box and roof aerial were also finally collected last week after I'd hounded them with emails on it!
thanks gipimann

Payment due next week so I'll try to cancel tomorrow. I imagine if they take the full month I'll have hell trying to get half back.

As Chorus use individual roof aerials here, I don't have TV cables running across my property.

I had a cable running from my chorus aerial down the side of my house & through the wall to the lounge - the Sky guy re-used it for my dish!

Took your advice and cancelled the dd and a good job too, they tried to take the full month's amount. They've said they'll come out next week to disconnect and will organise a final bill which will only be up to the end of the 30 day notice period. Let's see if it actually works out that way.

So thanks for the good advice...

Still haven't had BBC3, BBC4 etc restored. I've just e-mailed Chorus requesting credit for the present partial service!
Let us know if you get anywhere, I'd be surprised if they paid up happily...

I'm still dying to see if they actually show up next week or not. I got told they'd do it tomorrow until I pointd out there wouldn't be anyone there, 'well Monday then', em, we both work fulltime. Happens we have next friday off so gave them that date. If they don't show up then they can wait until I'm on maternity leave in november as I can't take any time off before then and my husband is saving all his hols for the big arrival. I wouldn;t be surprised if tehy don;t bother. I know some people who moved from NTL to SKY a year ago and still have NTL even though they haven't paid in a year. Would be handy for Setanta and the rugby world cup..