Losing job


Registered User
Hi there,
Just got letter last week saying we'd be offered house soon. All excited got loan in principle sorted and dropped them in. Now my husband has come home to say he may be let go from work. I'm worried that we may be called for the interview and have then to get letters from our employers and he'll be in-between jobs. Can't believe this is happening.
Has anyone got any advice.
Sorry for the moan
Poochie I'd try not to worry about it too much until you're called for interview. I was given a form at that point to get completed by my employer. have you been given a date for interview yet? There's no big rush in returning the forms anyway. I sent mine in last Sept and I'm not much further along yet.
Hi Lucie,
Thanks for you're reply. Have calmed down a little. Its just after waithing so long this happens. Anyway he's looking for something else so fingers crossed. Haven't heard anything yet from DLRCC so hopefully it will all work out.
If it's dlrcoco i wouldn't get too worried. things don't seem to move along too fast with them. I was told in sept that i'd be moved in by feb, changed lots of things based on this and it still hasn't happened. Even if interview is soon, i'd say nothing about the job position for the moment.