Lose tracker?



I'm on a great tracker rate at the moment and I'm wondering if I were to re-mortgauge (if theres such a thing now) for going back to college,wedding etc if I'd still get to keep the same rate?
You don't say what your rate is, but I'd guess two chances. Slim and none.

Anyway, you should think very carefully before using a remortgage or a top-up to fund expenses that you can't otherwise afford. The added monthly repayment may seem small, but you are going to repay a huge multiple of the amount borrowed if you allow it to run for the life of your mortgage.
Thanks for that Dr. Also wondering if there's ever such a clause that if a payment or two is missed then penalisation by raising the interest the rate?
I'm on a great tracker rate at the moment and I'm wondering if I were to re-mortgauge (if theres such a thing now) for going back to college,wedding etc if I'd still get to keep the same rate?

Remortgaging for college and a wedding is most likely not even an option as the banks would not go for it. Even if you have a lot of positive equity in the house, going to college would mean no salary and so they wouldn't give you a mortgage...Like the other poster says it's a really bad idea, with the interest over the mortgage lifetime it would cost a fortune. Can you not save up for the wedding and college?
Missing a payment would not increase the interest rate but will give you a bad credit rating which will make any chance of a future loan with any bank very difficult.