Loose Change Machines?


Registered User
A few months ago I saw a piece on TV (might have been Nationwide or some such programme) about machines in Newsagents (?) into which you can pour all your loose change, the machine then issues a receipt for the amount which you take up to the till for a refund.

Does anyone know where any of these machines are in Dublin?
There is one in Centra in Ranelagh village. I think it charges 12.5% for the privilege though!
Yeah - there was a discussion about these loose change counting/exchange machines before on AAM but I can't find it. The charge seemed to be about 12.5% alright if I recall correctly. Why not get some money bags from the bank, bag the money and bank it at no charge (at least PTSB never charge me when I lodge bagged coins)?
There is one in SuperValu in Castlerea and it charges 9.5% whereas the one in SuperValu in Carrick-on-Shannon charges just 6.5% from memory, it really does pay to shop around as you probably have more change than you realise. My girlfriend had about €140 and she had estimated she'd have about €50 before she threw it in.
Power City are selling small change counting sorters - noticed them at the checkout - didn't see a price on them.
"Power City are selling small change counting sorters - noticed them at the checkout - didn't see a price on them"

Sounds something similar to the ones that Dunnes had at Christmas for €20.

The machines in Tesco whilst charging a handling fee also only issue a voucher for use in Tesco and don't appear to give the option of trading in for cash
Tesco in Clarehall have one of these machines. Was stopped by a guy handing out leaflets about the machine - funny he didn't mention any handling fee! The voucher was only useable in Tesco, Clarehall.

i have sen them in a local sture and there is a 9 % service charge, you our in the coins and you get out a receipt like call credit you can use at the till

personally i prefer to just use the coins be it toll bridges, bus or just the shops sure it's all money!
Just lodged €63 in coins (pre-bagged, all full bags) at my bank today for no charge.
I just use the self service checkout in Tesco. Feed as much change small change as you want in. No commission just use it to pay the bill.

I used to use the small change for the bus until I stopped getting the bus. It just took a minute to make the amount up before leaving the house and then just throw it in the collector.

I get the train now, and the machine doesn't take 1c & 2c coins which is a bit of a drag. I almost caused a riot the other morning when one of my 20 5c coins wasn't accepted by the machine. Of course I didn't have any extra coinage with me - but I make sure to bring it now. I had to turn around to the (now lengthy) queue behind me and ask if anyone would swap one of their 5c coins for mine. Luckily there wasn't a train in sight or it could have been ugly with me holding the entire proceedings up.

Speaking of ticket machines ... why is it that so many people still seem to have such problems with the Luas ticket machines - in particular groups of people who insist in buying each ticket individually instead of using the Add More Tickets button to buy the number that they need in one go!? On the other hand the innocent look of amazement on peoples' faces when you show them this feature is a sight to behold. But ideally not too often...
On a couple of occassions I had cause to use my loose change once in a chip shop which they didn't mind and once to get a coin for a trolley. In the second instance I got the dirtiest look from the cashier as if I had offered her something contaminated, a lady behind me asked if I had been singing. If only she could hear my voice, she would know I couldn't even raise one cent that way. Money is money at the end of the day.
hi ella c..the name of that company is coin express. See their website

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only problem i found with their machines is most times i go to use one they are out of order as they are full of money!..they are so popular.
smiley said:
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Average Deposits

The average person deposits 62.80 euro into the machine. The largest deposit to date by one person was 823.56 euro. To date over 7 million coins have been counted by coin express machines.

Wow I'd like their coin jar!

I can't see any mention of a service charge on their site - would that be illegal?
I used one recently, I reckoned I had around €40, it all added up to €83 there was a 9.5% charge... Now as Clubman said I could have avoided the charge by bagging and banking, however last time I did this, I never seem to have enough to make the bags up, so they sat around for months on end gathering dust....did'nt mind paying the 9.5% fee as I had more than I had anticipated.