Hi all,
Firstly, I am aware that there are many threads covering something very similar to what I am going to ask for advice on. I have read through some great threads recently and they are all very enlightening but sometimes a little confusing when the debate starts to take hold. I will explain my situation now and then I will ask some questions with regard to what my investment startegy should be.
- I am 32 years old earning a gross salary of 57k per annum.
- I have just purchased a house for 212k (mortgage has 30 years left and is circa 190k)
- I have circa 30k in savings.
- I have modest outgoings and since buying my house my mortgage is slightly more than covered by the rental income I am receiveing so I am savings between 2k and 2.5k per month
I am quite proud of and happy with my situation and I lead a financially very comfortable life but I want to make sure I dont rest on my laurels and just leave my savings to wither away over the years. I am very keen to maximise and grow my savings/investments and wealth (who isnt?
There may a lot of other releavnt information, in addition to three points outlined above, that I can provide to anyone who is interested so just ask.
I suppose the question I have can be put quite simply as: What should I do with the savings of 30k that I have and which are going to grow considerably (I think) in the comming months and years.
My objective is to become self dependant as early as possible by having investments in place the income from which can support me. I am currently single but I am assuming that in the years to come I will have a wife and kids so although a disposable income of 1k - 1.5k per month not including rent/mortgage is more than adequate fro me now I know that in 10 years I might need a disposable income of maybe 3k per month.
Should I start looking into buying another property now? I already knowthat alot of you will say absolutely not for a host of reasons I am aware of - but for soem reason this approach appeals to me (Yes I am Irish!). But if I rule out that approach what is the best thing I could do? I have been reading a lot that shares are a good investment and have had good retuns over the last few years (appreciate thats not an indicator for the future), its liquid and passive.
The thing is I dont know how or where to start to invest in shares. I like to think I would be alright at picking companies myself that i would like to back and so I would ideally like to be able to have a share portfolio I can manage myself - is this possible? is there a website?
Other than shares or property I dont fancy just putting it in a deposit a/c and I dont know much about any other option such as EFT's or bonds.
I appreciate this is covered elsewhere but I am just hoping for a few simple pointers.
Thanks very much,
Firstly, I am aware that there are many threads covering something very similar to what I am going to ask for advice on. I have read through some great threads recently and they are all very enlightening but sometimes a little confusing when the debate starts to take hold. I will explain my situation now and then I will ask some questions with regard to what my investment startegy should be.
- I am 32 years old earning a gross salary of 57k per annum.
- I have just purchased a house for 212k (mortgage has 30 years left and is circa 190k)
- I have circa 30k in savings.
- I have modest outgoings and since buying my house my mortgage is slightly more than covered by the rental income I am receiveing so I am savings between 2k and 2.5k per month
I am quite proud of and happy with my situation and I lead a financially very comfortable life but I want to make sure I dont rest on my laurels and just leave my savings to wither away over the years. I am very keen to maximise and grow my savings/investments and wealth (who isnt?
There may a lot of other releavnt information, in addition to three points outlined above, that I can provide to anyone who is interested so just ask.
I suppose the question I have can be put quite simply as: What should I do with the savings of 30k that I have and which are going to grow considerably (I think) in the comming months and years.
My objective is to become self dependant as early as possible by having investments in place the income from which can support me. I am currently single but I am assuming that in the years to come I will have a wife and kids so although a disposable income of 1k - 1.5k per month not including rent/mortgage is more than adequate fro me now I know that in 10 years I might need a disposable income of maybe 3k per month.
Should I start looking into buying another property now? I already knowthat alot of you will say absolutely not for a host of reasons I am aware of - but for soem reason this approach appeals to me (Yes I am Irish!). But if I rule out that approach what is the best thing I could do? I have been reading a lot that shares are a good investment and have had good retuns over the last few years (appreciate thats not an indicator for the future), its liquid and passive.
The thing is I dont know how or where to start to invest in shares. I like to think I would be alright at picking companies myself that i would like to back and so I would ideally like to be able to have a share portfolio I can manage myself - is this possible? is there a website?
Other than shares or property I dont fancy just putting it in a deposit a/c and I dont know much about any other option such as EFT's or bonds.
I appreciate this is covered elsewhere but I am just hoping for a few simple pointers.
Thanks very much,