looking for childrens book on Irish legends


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My god son is 1 shortly and as he called Oisin (as in Tir na nog)I thought it might be nice to get him a book on Irish legends, fabels etc, hardback, keepsake type book that he wll have for years with nice illustrations, have been looking at amazon etc but its so hard to tell without actually seeing the book so was wondering if anyone could recommend a book? other than that any other present recommendations? plan to go around a couple of the bookshops in town at the weekend . thanks
cant recommend a name but I have seen some of these children's fairy tales on Irish legends in bookshops so you should find someting!
I got one of these in the book shop on grafton street, i can't remember the shop's name but it's roughly opposite HMV
Hi guys going to check out easons and waterstones at the weekend, thanks for your help anyway