Looking for cheap line rental/wireless boadband deal

Gary 23

Registered User
I was wondering if anyone can help me regadring getting a cheap line rental or wireless brodband deal. my situation is as follows:
My girlfriend and myself are moving into our first home together in a few months (whenever its buillt). anyway we want to keep our costs down as much as possible. we both own meteor pay as you go phones and dont neccisarily need a house line number. I am also strongly considering meteors new billpay free meteor to meteor calls and texts for life as most of my family and friends are with meteor.
Anyway we need to be able to use the internet but are unsure for how long (perhaps a few hours in the evening and on the weekends). anyway is there any way for us to get wireless broadband in the house without line rental for a cheap price and not be commited to say 20 hours a week. the house is situated in a new estate in portarlington. Any help would be appreciated

The cheapest wireless solution is available from AFAIK. Less than €20 per month, no minimum contract period, so worth trying.

Caveat emptor applies-look at what has been said on AAM and also over on Boards about the quality of this product.

Wireless is also not as widely available as DSL, so it may not be an option in Portarlington-probably not looking at , but yes according to the Government site (which lists other options).

You should have a look at this Key Post (stickied to the top of the forum) for more info.

Also, does the developer not have a cable TV provider onsite? If so, they may also provide broadband services.