Health Insurance Looking for better health insurance cover


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I am looking to change my family's health insurance policy and am thoroughly confused by the sheer volume of health insurance options available.

My family of 5 (2 adults, 1 18 yr old and 2 children) are currently all on Irish Life Select Plus. The individual excess for consultants is too high for me. I'm waiting on a small day case procedure in Cappagh Hospital for my arthritis which I've only realised today isn't covered so I'm on a public waiting list. I need a policy that better suits our needs but the 2 year wait to be covered for pre-existing conditions is a real stumbling block. I currently see an orthopaedic surgeon for my arthritis and my daughter sees an endocrinologist for PCOS. My husband and 2 other children have no pre-existing conditions. I have confirmed with Irish Life that I can change mid term without penalty.

I'd really appreciate any direction anyone could give me.
The Sean O'Rourke radio programme had a very, very, good slot on this morning about health insurance. It dealt with lots of problems in finding the right policy for people. Might be good if you listened back to it as it will give you good insight into what you should do.
Hi Bailey101,

While Select Plan does not cover Cappagh hospital, it has full cover for a good range of private hospitals in Dublin.
1. Santry Sports Clinic.
2. Bons Secours Dublin.
3. The Hermitage, Lucan, Dublin.
4. St Vincents Private hospital, Dublin 4.
5. Beacon hospital, Sandyford.

Does your consultant operate in any private hospital?
If the public waiting list is too long, you could make enquiries about waiting times in the above private hospitals.
I know it will mean another consultant private visit, which may be worth it to avoid waiting.
Just an alternative route if it is a viable option.

An alternative plan worth considering for yourself, with Irish Life, is called 4D Health 2. Details as follows;
1. 4D Health 2; price 1271pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered. Private/hi-tech excess 150 per admission or 75 excess per
day case procedure. Day to day cover included, 50% refund for consultant + gp visits, etc. These expenses are allowable straight away with no waiting, for under 65 years.
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An alternative plan for your husband at the moment is Select More price 1127pa;
2. Select More; price 1127pa; all public, private and Beacon hospital covered. Private/hi-tech excess 150 per admission or 75 per day case procedure. Limited day to day cover.
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For the remainder of this health insurance year(until next renewal date), I would be inclined to leave your 2 children and the 18 year old as they
are. Irish Life are not best value especially for children and young adults. VHI would be best priced overall, so I would wait until renewal when
you can switch at that stage. VHI usually have half price offers for children to keep an eye out for at renewal.
VHI Company Plan Plus Level 1.3(price 1128pa) is a good all round plan, including good day to day cover, to keep in mind for your next renewal date for yourself, your husband and your 18 year old.
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Also for your 18 year old, at next renewal, VHI PMI 38 14; price 533pa; is worth considering, if she has several private consultant visits per
year. This plan refunds 130 per visit, which may work in her favour, depending on the number of visits overall.
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Regards, Snowyb