Looking for beans filling for new beanbag


Registered User
Hello everyone,

Wondering if anyone can help. I've purchased a beanbag online from EBay (it gets delivered unfilled) I've got the name of a place from the girl ive bought it from where I can order beans from - Dunelm Mill, branches around UK and one in Belfast. I'm looking for about 10 cubic feet. Does anyone know anywhere else I can order them from that doesnt charge a fortune on delivery. A stockist in Ireland would be great but cant find one at the moment...
There's a place in the Blackrock weekend market that used to do beanbag refills.
blackberry fair in rathmines on saturday and sundays. guys been there for years. He has the bags of refills for all sizes.
i thought the blackberry market had closed down? read something about it before. never thought of Argos tho - will try there too.
There's a place on Capel Street that does this. I can't remember the name of it, but it's on the right hand side of Capel Street as you face towards the river away from Parnell Street, near the Parnell Street end. (Sorry to be so vague!) They've a sign on the door/window that says something about beanbag stuffing.