Looking for advice on making child support payment where payment is being rejected.


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Ive a 10 year old daughter who Ive paid support for since day 1.Ive had a history of having great difficulty getting visiting rights. I had to go to court to get access rights and even after this the childs mother would not bring child to ageeed meeting place or would arrive an hour after agreed meeting times or not at all(I do not live locally)

I have not seen my daughter for 4 years as he mother was telling my daughter this I will evil and turning her against me so I thought it was in the best interest of my daughter to cut contact.

The childs mother is now married and husband has taken on daughter as his own which is great.

Ive just noticed that weekly maintance payment have failed and only reason I can work out is that mother is after closing account

She has not contacted to ask why monies have not come through and has not passed on new account details.

I want to pass on monies owed and continue payment so I will write to the childs mother-she has changed mobile numbers and I want something in writing. If she does not reply Ill get my solicitor to write so I have something down to cover me legally.

Is this the best way to proceed?

Oh Noel that is a sad situation to be in.
I would go through the solicitor and I know you want to do the right thing.
I think if the mother of your child does not accept further monies what you could do is open a bank account or post office account and lodge the money there for your child for when they are older.
The best of luck, I wish you could get contact with your child again.
It would certainly make sense to keep putting the money aside, if you can reasonably afford to do so. If the mother won't let you have any access at all, you can keep the money for when the time comes that the mother won't be in control. Your nest egg might make a very handy college fund for an 18 year old.
yes but i wonder should i get solicitor to write to her so i have something in writing incase the childs mother brings me to court...as only way i know payments have not gone through is monies have come back to my account
Noel - you could write to the mother by registered post, keep a copy for yourself, stating that you have tried to pay maintenance as agreed, money has bounced back to your account, and you will continue to put aside the money into an account yourself until such a time as mother provides you with account details or alternate method of passing money along.

That way if you get taken to court you will have your letter showing you tried to rectify the situation and details of whatever account you open to put the money into showing that you have continued to put the money aside. Perhaps if you opened the new account in your childs name that would be best?

Im not sure if the above letter would be better coming from you or solicitor but certainly if the situation is laid out on paper and sent registered and there is proof of an account opened for your child you have covered your obligations.
yes think this is best as child may like to go to college at some stage

Thanks for advice all
Best of luck Noel, if I were you Id chase up the access also, despite the mothers behaviour, you deserve a relationship with your child and she will know when she is older that you tried to maintain contact and appreciate that.