Looking for a website listing past events/happenings in Ireland


Registered User
Have to speak at a 50th wedding anniversary next week and was looking for a reliable website that could tell me who was in government, who won the All Ireland, etc etc for the past 50 years. I am sure that somebody somwhere has put together Irish happenngs in chronological order but don't know where to look. Googled and was not too successful. Thanks
Re: Looking for a website listingpast events/happenings in Ireland

You could look on the Irish Times Digital Archive - available for free in you local library.
Re: Looking for a website listingpast events/happenings in Ireland

If you drop into the National Library (Kildare St), you will able to see the newspapers for that day.
Thanks Clubman - maybe I serialise it. Funny that your 'google search" hit a few better links than mine despite I using the same words ;). It must be the way that you do it!