Looking for a set of bunk beds


Registered User
Hi, Hope someone can help me here,
I'm looking for a set of bunk beds for my two boys, preferably wooden, with decent enough mattresses. They seem to be fairly scarce nowadays, is this something other readers have experienced? Does anyone know where ican find a set?
Thanks guys!
We got a set of bunks in Ikea about 2 years ago - wooden with good mattresses. I can't remember the price, but as with most things in Ikea I think they were relatively cheap but good quality. If you get them from Ikea you will face a bit of a problem on the transport front unless you have a roof rack or a van since the components just won't fit easily in a car. There were two mattress options - one was a sprung one which doesn't really bend, but the other one was a rolled one which was packed tight into a bag and so was easy to transport.

Just checked on the Ikea website and the one we got was Tordal @ £47.20. This was for the frame only - mattresses wer extra.
