looking for a house in santry whitehall, beaumont



Is there anyone there looking to sell a house on the northside, i/e santry whitehall, beaumont as I am desperatley looking
Re: looking for a house

have a look on myhome.ie. Houses are expensive in that area.
Re: looking for a house

i have tried all those website to no avail i am just wondering if anyone out there is just about to put house up for sale and doesnt want the cost of an estate agent. I am a ftb and have cash apporved just need the house.
Re: looking for a house

maybe put an ad in the local paper like the northside people ya never know you might be lucky. or if you see a house up for sale knock in and make an offer without the estate agent (im not sure if this is allowed) but its worth a try
Re: looking for a house

Or do a leaflet drop in an area/road you would like to buy in. Or an ad in local Supermarket.