Looking for a good alarm and locksmith



Moving into new apartment (two years later ) and would like to get a very good alarm installed as i will be travelling a bit over the next couple of months for work and want partner to feel safe on her own. We have a videophone installed for access to the building and i was wondering if i could hook up a wireless camera into that somehow??

Any, pipe dreams aside i would be interested in peoples recommendations for alarms and somebody to fit them. Is Eircom phone watch any good?? Also, a good locksmith in the sandyford area would be nice.

We got a guy called Graham Scanlon (087 6858066) to do the alarm in our place and I can highly recommend him. No contacts for a locksmith though I'm afraid.
Looking to get an alarm installed in my apt. (2 bed) also. Its prewired for an alarm, and I got quote for about €500 - seems pricey to me given that its prewired etc.
got a quote for a two bed apt for 480 from 4security, seems to to be the average