looking for a free app for my android phone to help me manage holiday apt bookings ?


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I am looking for a free app for my android phone to help me manage bookings for a holiday rental aprtment. Currently use the diary to jot down and wondering if there is a simple app that can do this on the phone.

I did google it but I am not tech minded so afraid of downloading things without a recommendation.
Whatever you use, it would be advisable to ensure it backs up to the internet, in case you lose your phone. You could use either Google Docs, or Catch, both of which allow you to edit on your phone or on a computer. Catch allows you to 'tag' notes, e.g. by marking with "#rental", and categorise them.

There may be more suitable apps, but I'm afraid I don't have experience of them for your purpose.
From your description, you're looking for a means of recording notes while on the move. The fact that it's apartment bookings is beside the point.

Have a look at Evernote, and see if it meets your needs.