Looking for a doctor in Limerick


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Hi All

I have recently moved to Limerick and I am looking for a good doctor in the Castletroy area - I would appreciate any recommendations that people could give me.

Thank you..
I can recommend Dr John English — main surgery at home in Singland Drive (opposite the Parkway shopping centre) and also has a clinic in O'Connell street. His number's in the book.
Some of my relatives go to this guy at Monaleen, Castletroy..... Ronan Ryder, Carrabeg, Monaleen Rd., Limerick. (061)331199
Dr. Michael Griffin - I think he has a place in Castletroy (near the Spar shop???) he also has a practice in St. John's Sq. (061 429986). His daughter is also a doctor in the practice.

He has been our GP for years and I have no difficulty recommending him - though thankfully we never really had much cause to visit him.
It may not be that easy, lots of good doctors but i tried 4 clinics in limerick and if you are not already a patient they will not see you,They already have too many on their books.