look for an 'odd' size radiator


Registered User
we need to get a radiator 12" in height by 1500 mm in length (forgive imperial and metric but those are the measurements given to me by builder) but I am told that we will have to get either a 1400 or 1600 mm if we want it 12" in height. the plumber is talking about doing something with the copper piping to facilitate this that I dont like the sound of (but dont quite understand). can anyone offer me any guidance?
or these actually manufacture them and will manuufacture to order. I have a very unusual one thats more like a piece of furniture.
I got a special made to order circular rad from Veha. Had to wait 3 months and it was expensive
I am finding that the 'special order' ones are very expensive (I have been quoted 500 euro as opposed to 100 euro for a standard)!