London Shows with Kids


Registered User
Heading to London for a few days in 2 weeks. We have a few plans but were thinking about possibly going to a show. we have 2 boys 11 and 5 so something they would enjoy. Quick search is throwing up a few like 'Lion King', Shrek the musical and Mathilda.....Any suggestions re their suitability for kids if anyone been (specially the 5yro....low boredom threshold!)....Or any other suggestions greatly appreciated ..(stuff like nat mus already on list...)

I've seen all three. As an adult I literally slept through half of the Lion King, but it is visually stunning for the kids. 11 year old might get bored.. It's also coming to the Grand Canal next year so I would be inclined to give it a miss on this trip.

Matilda is stunning. Tickets are pretty hard to come by but I would highly recommend it.

Shrek might be the best given the age differences in your kids though, something for both of them. It's also closing next year so it's probably your only chance. It's also available at TKTS most days so kinder to the pocket.

With any show I always say get the best tickets you can afford, which is why something like TKTS comes in handy to get top price tickets at the same price as seats in the Gods.
are you taking them away from their school and education. I didn't know there was a school break in a couple of weeks time.
exact dates thurs week til they miss 1 day of thier education..........a chance i'm willing to take...!!
thanks shesells......yeah Shrek grabbed my attention the most.....they both love the movies so reckon it could be a runner.......