location of planning application site notice


Registered User
Re. A new estate of approx 100 houses, which is not yet handed over to local authority.

Homeowner wishes to build an extension.

Would I be correct in saying that the notice should be erected at the house/ site AND at the entrance to the estate (ie, where the private road meets the public road) ?

My local council planning office seem to disagree but the planning and development act states that :
"The site notice must be located at the entrance to the private road where it meets the public road, and at the entrance to the site".

Since a housing development which is not yet taken in charge by a local authority is a private road, surely two site notices are required ?
Hi dave28,

When I was putting in for my planning application, I had to have two notices erected. One on the corner of the main road and one on site location - the reason being that the road I'm hoping to build on is a sub road. So I can't be 100% sure about your situation but I think you are right. The architect I was dealing with was very specific about the location of the signs and if they were not in the correct place the application would not be validated.
What complicates it for me is that
1 I didnt see the Newspaper Notice (my own fault !)
2 I didnt see the site notice
3 Local Authority seem to think one notice is sufficient
dave, you are correct... you would have to place 1 notice on your site and another notice at the estate entrance so it is visible from the public road.
Are planning application site notices actually checked by the planners to ensure they are in-situ? If so, at what stage are they likely to do the checking?
What happens if the site notice is vandalised or removed - would photographic evidence that is was erected be sufficient to satisfy the planner that it was put up??

You have to ensure it stays up unfortunately. The site notices are there to be inspected, but the may not be. Re extension to a house generally one would only see it at the front entrance to the residence. If your local planning office disagree with you I don't see much point in arguing unless you plan on going to An Bord Pleanala
What complicates it for me is that
1 I didnt see the Newspaper Notice (my own fault !)
2 I didnt see the site notice
3 Local Authority seem to think one notice is sufficient

I don't understand the link between you not seeing the notices , the requirement for 1 or 2 site notices an dthe fatc that it complicates things for you
Can you please explain a bit more?
hi mickeyg,

You have to check sign regularly to make sure it is still in place until the 8 weeks have elapsed. One of our signs was removed by vandals and printed off another one and put it up. The planners are supposed to come out and check, the normally check after it has been advertised in the paper and up to the third week where it is validated. The sign isn't only in place for planners, it is there for the public to read also - if they want to object or look at your plans the make a note of the application number and the name of the applicant - so the sign is very important.
just a quick ammendement to that angela, the site notice only has to be up for the first 5 weeks of the application, not 8 as youve stated.
I don't understand the link between you not seeing the notices , the requirement for 1 or 2 site notices an dthe fatc that it complicates things for you
Can you please explain a bit more?

"Complicated" was a bad word to use Bacchus - what i mean is , since I'm too late to make a submission I cannot formally make my point about the notice so that the Council can include it in the file relating to this application, and so investigate it and eliminate the "grey area".

So now my only option is to wait and see what happens with their Planning decision.

Also, only people who lodged submissions are entitled to appeal to Bord Pleanala.

My whole point is that because I didnt see the site notice, I now cannot exercise my right to object (which is ironic as I feel that I'm in this situation because proper procedures were not followed with the location of the sign)