Location of inheritance funds


Registered User
Hi, not sure if this question should be part of the same discussion as here...

It is related to the same inheritance but it's a separate question. We are currently trying to get information from our solicitor regarding the fees charged for his probate work. He has not been forthcoming as yet but my query is, what happens to my late relative's cash accounts? We signed forms with the solicitor, just before the end of the process and the arrival of the bill, for the transfer of the land, and also instructions to the bank to release the money from my Aunt's bank accounts.

The question is, will that money be transferred to us directly or to the solicitor to be passed on? In other words, is he in a position to not hand over the money until the bill is settled? It's not even a question of leverage in negotiations etc, but simply that I have many bills that I could be paying with the money and I worry that negotiations and issues with the solicitor could drag on for a while if he decides to stick to his guns.

Again just to stress, we are not trying to short change the solicitor, we have no problem paying him properly for his efforts. As you'll know if you've read the other thread, we feel that his bill is unreasonable and we were not given notice of how his fees would be calculated.
The solicitor will (as I understand custom & practice) deduct fees and outgoings from the monies received and remit the appropriate balances to each of the beneficiaries.

The likelihood is the cash was transferred from the various financial institutions to the solicitor's client account, but what did the instruction / authorisation forms you signed say?
Probably the best thing to do is to ask that all funds ( save for the disputed fees ) be forwarded to the beneficiaries without delay. Then you can deal with the disputed fees separately.

As regards the funds, it will vary from case to case. In some situations, I will arrange for the funds to be forwarded directly to my clients from the deceased's accounts. ln other cases, all funds will come to my client account and are disbursed from there.
