Location near Ballsbridge?


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We have 2 young children and work is moving centrally to Ballsbridge.
Looking to buy house in Dublin which would not mean too much travelling but would also be "reasonable" to buy -about 700K and good schools.
All ideas much appreciated.
It's a very pricey area and 700k won't get you very far.
Have a look on myhome.ie around Ringsend/ Irishtown.
Lived lived for a few years and loved it.
Lack of Garden space a problem with kids though - that's why we moved further out of town but you're going to have to compromise on something if you want to live close to Ballsbridge.
I'd suggest looking further out of town - good bus routes along N11.
You might get something around Beechill in Donnybrook in around that price...Not much else though without going out quite a bit. House size is also an issue, how big in sq ft can you get away with?
Ballsbridge is on the dart line. Would you consider moving further out and commuting. You'd get far more for your money. Ballsbridge and most of the surrounding areas are terribly expensive and I can't see you getting a family house with a decent garden for €700k.
Its close to the Dart line, so really anywhere you can walk to that is an option. I don't know about bus routes to it.
Thanks for ideas.
We are looking for a semi-d with a small garden - ideally within 20 mins commute. Good schools essential.
We are new to Dublin so we will look to stay along dart line but v confused re areas!
Some points:

- 700k for a three bed semi-d with a garden in Ballsbridge or surrounds is not a realistic budget even in these times of falling house prices.
- the suggestion to look at areas along the Dart line is good. Have you looked at www.myhome.ie to get a feel for prices in different areas? If you wish to buy you will have to compromise on comuting times.
- How important is it to buy? can you move to Dublin and rent for a while adn get a feel for teh city and where you might live? - in time of house price uncertainty it might be best move.
- A "good school" is a subjective item. You may find that your choice of schools is very limited. If you are looking at private schools they frequently have lengthy waiting lists with names going down at birth.