Local Need/Local Growth


Registered User

We have bought a new home in Kildare, however, part of the condition of planning is local need/local growth. when sold the house the estate agent did not see it a problem, and I realise I shouldn;t have taken their word, but they did say they did not experience difficulties in our case.

The condition is to be living in Kidare for approx 5 years or to be working there.

Has anyone any experience of these conditions - for example how approximate does it have to be? it will be 4 years 4 months at closing and my wife will be working on an agency basis in a local hospital and has worked there before for short period. we intend to remain in the new place for a long time.

We are now being told it could be a problem, but are not sure and wanted to know if other people have experienced the requirement, or more specifically falling short of it?
I think the local needs is only a planning issue,If you bought the house already built then the site must have been bought by a local who had the house built and then sold ,check with your solicitor and the planning office
It's actually a development of over 20 houses and the planning was granted subject to the Local Growth requirements. They are being built at the moment. It looks like we cannot (per the condition in the contract) buy unless we satisy 'local growth', on which we'll be 6 months off the 5 years required by the time the house is built. No one seems too clear on what it means exactly, especially if the builder cannot sell the houses on this basis or if you are close to the requirement.

Our solicitor advises us to contact the council ourselves, which we are doing. Maybe the builder/estate agent who sold us it should be involved as well.
The Builder and the Estate Agent have to know more than they are telling you as its the house sales they depend on.If they thought you would eligible to buy they would not entertain you from the offset as their would be no money in it for them.If its a house you are serious about make sure you get all the info from all sides and then review it with your solicitor for the legalities as he is the only one on your side
I think the local needs is only a planning issue,If you bought the house already built then the site must have been bought by a local who had the house built and then sold ,check with your solicitor and the planning office

Is this local needs planing law set to be outlawed by the EU?

Is this local needs planing law set to be outlawed by the EU?

I think so. This planning condition is illegal under both Irish and EU law, so cannot be enforced.
I think so. This planning condition is illegal under both Irish and EU law, so cannot be enforced.

WOW and the VRT too! How the hell do they(government) get away with it?
Is it also true that due to the fact Ireland had allowed so many one of houses in the Irish country side, the EU a considering baning that too?

I guess this would bring us more in line with other EU countries
Recently I went about trying to get planning on a plot of land and was told local needs only and they had never heard of the ruling in the EU which said local needs was abolished
Recently I went about trying to get planning on a plot of land and was told local needs only and they had never heard of the ruling in the EU which said local needs was abolished

They(LA) seem to be behind on every thing.
