Local city local authority (DCC) interested in buying house


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I currently rent a house out to a tenant via the HAP scheme and have done for long time, been lucky with tenants most of the time.
They viewed the house and are interested in purchasing after viewing it and have through my property manager asked him what price I would except.

Anyone ever dealt with DCC or any City Council when selling their house and what advice would you give?
I too am interested to hear of anyone's experience of this as I too have been approached in recent weeks....
No experience with local authorities but if they're approaching you then you should ask them to make an offer first.
Rang DCC early last year to see would they be interested in buying s property off me....no was the reply, they had over spent and were not in a position to do so. Looks like they are back in funds again.
They'll give you near enough what the place is worth but will want it in fairly good condition and ready to move into. That was what happened to my son who sold them an apartment.