Local Authority Rental Accommodation Scheme


Registered User
Is it possible/advisable to give your house over to the social services/ housing to let out to people/family as housing benefit...

has anyone done this before and if so can the rent meet the mortgage and also are they okay to work with... or do they throw anyone into the house....

any other things i should consider before i look further into this

thanks kk
Re: sorry if its wrong place

Do you mean letting your home to persons on Rent Supplement from the Community Welfare Service? The house is not handed over to the "social services" - you are still the landlord, you advertise and screen your tenants as you see fit, and if they require assistance towards the rent, the tenants make an application for Rent Supplement. The Community Welfare Service has no contract with the landlord.

There is also the Rental Accommodation Scheme, which is where the local authority rent the property from private landlords, and place tenants in them. There are other threads on this topic.
Re: sorry if its wrong place

thanks for the reply

I think its the later of the 2 i was thinking about just didnt know the name

many thanks
