Local Authority Engineer_Added years, Notional Service


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I joined the a County Council in July 08 as an Engineer and the position is permanent.(phew...closed the door behind me)

Anyway I will have 30 years service done when I reach 65 and I applied to buy back the extra years to get me to 40 and thats ok. Now I know as an engineer you can get extra years added but this has been reduced to 5 years since April 05 and they take into account how many years you have worked in the private sector as well, anyway between the gigs and reels I get no added years because I worked 10 years in the private sector.

My question is this and I know I am grabbing at straws here, but I worked for the same local authority as a student in summer of 1997 and I would have paid supperannunation back then under the old scheme, therefore could I come under the old rules and therefore be eligible to get my 10 added years??? which I would be entitled to under the old scheme.

Thanks in advance
Last In
Hi Last In

No. More than likely you came in under the student summer employment scheme which was partially funded by social welfare and you would not have signed up for the superannuation scheme.

Why don't you join an AVC? This is a top up scheme which allows you to boost your main scheme benefits. This plan is available to civil & public sector where a person is facing a shortfall because he/she has less than 40 years service.

You also get tax relief. Enquire from your payroll section.
