Local Authority Draft Plan ... how to make submissions


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My Local Authority is preparing a Draft plan of the local area - I think it important to get something in particularly re local planning-permissions, and amenities/facilities for a very young population in the area.

Anyone got a template or example of such a submission?

Is there an expiry date on planning-permissions (I think I'm right when I say there is) but is it unfeasible to ask the LA to let planning permissions lapse when they lapse i.e. not to renew the permissions and leave the land as is ? (Neighbouring scenic farmland.)

The Council would seem to have a good setup for people interested in the planning permissions - I've just discovered it today, but to trawl for the all the permissions (including those already done/built/complied with) would take forever.
It’s reasonably simple to make a submission, make a list covering the main points of what you want to say, type it up and put some shape on it, and submit it .

Make it concise and hit the points, they are unlikely to pay much heed to a wandering stream of consciousness so highlight the points relating to planning and development only. Cross reference it to the paragraphs in the draft development plan where possible.

Consider grouping together with other likeminded people in the area to prepare and co-sign a submission if there are areas of common concern, as this should have more impact. A planning permission generally lasts for 5 years from the date of the Grant of Permission.

It is possible to apply to the Planning Authority to extend the duration of a permission under certain circumstances. In terms of asking the Council to refuse such a request and to retain ‘farmland’ as ‘farmland’, there are several reasons why they might do this. However, you have to remember that if it has an active planning permission on it for 500 houses, it is currently not farmland, it just looks like farmland J
