local auctioneer or not



Currently trying to sell a house the auctioneer selling it is not a local one house on the market for seven months is it time to change to a local auctioneer? Anybody know average time it takes to sell a house at the moment?
Hi Duneoin

I have had house on market for 1 year but am in rural location, have dropped price substantially, house pristine etc still not sold - most houses around are the same in the area where I live - depends on location I supppose. I would guage it on how many viewings you've had but I did open house last february and last july and got in people - very good interest generated that way but you as a vendor along with the auctioneer have to work very hard and maybe get some free editorials - perhaps do a feature house on myhome for 1 week of go for a premium add on daft.
How far away is the auctioneer/estate agent from the house? Purchasers are more informed these days and alot of people will start house hunting by looking at property mags and websites. However, alot of people will still go to the local auctioneer and see what s/he is listing and would never think of going to the auctioneer two towns away.
i think depending on your price range, you have to organise your marketting accordinly, whats essential is to put you house on myhome.ie and daft.ie, these are inbedded in peoples mind nowadays and people will always start here...

best of luck, been there twice and it does take an effort on both you and EA to sell the house, the days of houses selling themselves is gone..
I'd say local estate agent is best surely, they would know the local market intimately and might even know people who have looked at other houses locally. Remember that some househunters, specially the older generation don't have access to the internet so don't have Daft, they just pick up lists from local estate agents.