Local Area Plan vs County Plan


Registered User
Live in Dublin, SDCC - there is a LAP at the moment under review, still in draft.

Someone told us that the LAP is subservient to the County Plan - is this true?

Basically we have problems with the LAP and the residents are energised about two issues. One issue can only become a real issue if we fail in our fight over the first issue - lets say as an example, parking on the street is the first issue that only becomes a real issue if there is increased traffic as a result of a new development down the road.

We've been told to focus on the parking now in the LAP to have permanent parking spaces drawn into the LAP, and then fight against the increased traffic (via a new road) in the County Plan.

Does this make sense ? Or should we open up both barrels on both issues in the LAP?
If it were me and it was something important, I'd open up and fight on as many fronts as possible: once the plans are adopted, they can't be changed AFAIK.

Mind you, I have a somewhat jaundiced view on area plans: I was involved some years ago in objecting to a planning application (ultimately successfully, but only after appeal). The application was one in a long list of granted applications that were in direct contravention of the council’s own area plan. In other words, the council (in this case Fingal) were ignoring their own plan. Things may have changed, but I somehow doubt it.

As I said, my recommendation would be to fight it all the way on whatever fronts you have, if you want something in relation to local government.