Lobbing a eucalyptus tree!


Registered User
Does anyone know how one should deal with a very tall eucalyptus tree. I got a knock on the door today from a landscape gardner who saw my growth and suggested to me that I should lob about 10 feet off of which he quoted me 200 nicker to perform the amputation.

I know it's about 70-80 feet tall but does it warrant a lobbing seen as it has survived the winds so far. And if it has be cut could I not do it myself and save 200 yoyos.

He also suggested he'd tidy my front garden (cheeky git ;-)- - trim my border hedge and large shrub for an extra 100.

A bit on the pricey side I wouldathought. Even suggested arganising a meeting to discuss what had to done. 'Bit aggressive marketing. I mean all you have to do is make a meeting and you're practically sucked into a sale.
Pity the poor old women who are subjected to needless garden surgery for a hefty price.
While I applaud proactive tradespeople of any nature, I would be very wary of someone who knocks on the door like this. Could be genuine but I've heard about several opportunistic "tree surgeons" etc. whose services turn out to be not worth the high price often charged.

Ask him for a few references and check them out personally before you do anything.
I thought that some trees could not be tampered with without planning or other permission? Not sure if this only applies to protected species or something though.
As far as I know a Tree Protection Order has to be in place to stop you doing whatever you like.
I don't think 10 foot will make much of a difference to an 80 foot tree.
You could cut your eucalyptus tree to just above the ground if you want and it will regrow (as a multi stem tree or bush). This is called coppicing. Altenatively if you cut it back to bare stem about 3 foot above the ground it will also regrow ... pollarding. This really should be done in the early spring, but if it is annoying you, I would have a go at it now. Have faith .... eucalyptus usually grow about 3 - 4 feet a year. The new growth after cutting back is lovely.
Thanks all, for that. Couldn't find anything specific in the Key Post section Suellen.

With regard to intefering with protected trees apparently " if the tree is within 100 feet of a dwelling and the local authority has not placed a preservation order on the particular tree, the tree can be chopped".

I think I'll leave it as the only real reason he suggested it be cut was for safety reasons and it has already got through the storms last year without incident. I probably exageratted/oversestimated the height it's probably only about 50-60 feet high.

"Couldn't find anything specific in the Key Post section Sueellen"

I provided the link to the key post for the following 3 reasons:

1. There is a recommendation for King Tree Services
2. There is general advice about tree felling and
3. General advice on care needed with power lines when felling.

I appreciate that Sueellen but I couldn't find the specific answers to what I needed to know about lopping/lob(bing) off and euclayptus trees so I posted the new thread.

Thanks anyways -
