Loan with AIB


Registered User
Hi there,

I plan on a loan from AIB to pay off my credit union for about 10.000 Euro. My question is if I make an early repayment - it says I can do this, do I still have to pay them the interest that was due for the period of the loan. Say for example its over 5 years, and the total interest is 2,000... for example do I still need to give them the 5 years worth of intertest?

Maybe a stupid question but i've never had a bank loan. ([broken link removed])
As far as I know, if you pick a variable you can pay off early. It's when you go with a fixed that you will pay a penalty for early repayment.

Open to correction though.
AIB are not keen on taking on loans from other institutions. Have they approved it yet?
I would be very surprised if they did in the current climate. Correct me if I'm wrong.