I received a loan offer letter (tracker) from ebs back in sep, and the rate is +1.20. i want to drawdown this week, now the guy and girl who im dealing with said it should be +1.20. But unfortunately their cheque issue team said it was a mistake, and the rate need to be amended to +1.44, and they would not issue the cheque at the rate i received +1.20. if i want to drawdown, they only can do at +1.44
can they do that? can they change my loan offer within 3months?
I received a loan offer letter (tracker) from ebs back in sep, and the rate is +1.20. i want to drawdown this week, now the guy and girl who im dealing with said it should be +1.20. But unfortunately their cheque issue team said it was a mistake, and the rate need to be amended to +1.44, and they would not issue the cheque at the rate i received +1.20. if i want to drawdown, they only can do at +1.44
can they do that? can they change my loan offer within 3months?
I am like you first time buyer and in the process of drawing down a mortgage with EBS and I am not tracker but fixed, and although they issued my cheque over 6 weeks ago, I still have not closed my sale, and will not probably for another few weeks, so like you they raised the fixed rate and mine was competitve at 4.99% then 5.1% and now 5.65% so that is some increase. 205 euros to be exact onto my monthly repayment. I do appreciate rates do fluctuate, but this is scandalous, and I have written to them as I am not going to accept this increase as I am 3 year fixed and given today current climate this is not competitve. It is a big strain on a FTB and as my situation is that I have yet to drawdown on my mortgage so to me they issued my cheque prematurely and these rates should not be applicable until I am ready to close this sale. Rates at present for 3 year fixed is 5.15% big difference so I will be looking for a follow up on this, maybe you should raise the issue with them too if you warrant that your rates have increased considerably. I think we all know the banking crisis is not our fault so we should not be made to pay for it.