Loan discharge formula




Above is a quote from the BOI personal loans terms & conditions. I have checked out the Section 52 Consumer Credit Act, 1995 and it has no formula, surely when the bank refrence such an act they know what is contained and what is not? Are the bank not obliged to let the borrower know the formula that calculates the loan discharge costs?
My reading of clause 2.2 is that the bank can use any formula that does not break any rules in the credit consumer act.
It does not state that the formula is in the credit consumer act.

Have you asked the Bank what the formula is. I would complain if they refuse to divulge it, but you don't yet know if this is the case,.

I have not asked the bank but will today.

Where in the credit consumer act does it state the premeters of such a formula? I am at a loss to find this information.