Loads Of Condensation in Attic


Registered User
I am currently building a house using direct labour. Plastered and Painted inside. I have huge amounts of condensation inside. I not sure what the problem is. My carpenters reckon the guy who put the roof on should have put in vent slates every 2 meters in the roof. The guy who did the slating reckons it is just because the attic door is not fitted yet and the warm air in the house is meeting the cold roof. Either way I have a problem.

What is the story with ventilation in the attic?

And what are the chances it is just a matter of blocking up the attic door?

The attic should be well vantilated. Is there a noticable flow of air?
You can close the trap door opening to see how that goes but I doubt if thats your problem. You should have vents in the soffit and if its a dormer or 1.5 storey house you will also need ridge ventilation.

Are these vents in place?
Also check that water storage tanks are fitted with covers as otherwise this will contribute to the moisture content in the air.
It is a storey and a half house, with vents is the soffit, but I dont have any ridge vents.

Was considering fitting these venting slates.
your currently building this house.

well if thats the case, its the plastering drying out, this will take a good four to six weeks, maybe even longer.

It's not a major concern at all.

If your house has been plastered along time ago, then you need to imporve the ventalation.

Various differeing types, simple vent in wall....if your roof is a tiled roof, you can buy roof tile vents. Not totally neccesary but a good thing to hav.

Two vents in wall, perpendicualr to each other is more than suffice.
I think you were right. My problem was a combination of wet interior + uninsulated attic. When I insulated the attic and installed attic doors, that sorted the problem.

The problems now are the with the painting. We painted the house all white before starting the second fix. but now all the corners where the plasters used angle beading, there is rust coming through the paint, and in other corners there are spots of mould growing (on a new house).

It is horrible to see all this happening in our new house.

Any solutions?
You should use a primer where the metal angle beads are located. Mould? Sounds like you have a ventilation problem.
My house was built from about August to December. I had serious beads of condensation in the attic for at least six months afterwards. When you think about the amount of water in paint and plaster work and it has to go somewhere.

It's bone dry up there now.