Living Will


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Myself and Mrs P. are interested in drawing up a 'living will' for use in the event of a tragic event like a coma or being left like a piece of meat hooked up to tubes and kept artificially alive.

How does their legality stand in Ireland? Are they even recognised?

If not, and should something awful happen to result in such a scenario, do I, as her spouse, or vice versa, have any say in what happens to her (knowing her wishes) or do her parents have a say (not knowing her wishes, or even knowing but not wanting to lose their daughter) ?

The Irish Hospice Foundation's (Forum on end of Life programme) has, at the moment, this as one of it's aims. Have a look in their website. Generally the next-of-kin would be consulted regarding the wishes of the individual but this can be overridden by the care team or consultant in charge.
A living will is called an enduring power of attorney. Many solicitors can draw one up for you and go through your options.
AFAIK there is no central data base for keeping such. It needs to be so, so any hospital can access it. There are no DNR orders here in Ireland as you have in the USA. And because this does not exist, the medics can ventilate.
What about 'pulling the plug' ? Is it legal or is it assisted suicide/euthanasia ?
I don't think we'll be able to discuss that as (IMHO) its medical / medico-legal stuff.

I've PM'd you.
.......................... There are no DNR orders here in Ireland as you have in the USA. And because this does not exist, the medics can ventilate.......................

or not!

As the medics may find economic..............

I doubt I will ever forget being interviewed by a senior doctor with heavily accented english as around 04:30Hrs. one morning. He wanted to put a close relative into an unattended
corner of the resuscitation room of a 'primary' hospital so that he might pass to the next world.

This was a bad idea and I told him so

He tried again, I regret I had to tell him where to go

The individual concerned survived without ventilation, without ICU, without HDU for several years.

OP, dont worry about living wills, If it comes even close, expect to be put down at the first opportunity.
As recently as last month there was an article in either the IT or Indo about bringing Ireland up to date with legislation regarding DNR orders. If it was law then it would save next of kin a lot of stress.