Living in oz but debt in ireland


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We had a car loan which we paid every month no problem we only had a year left and then bang jobs were lost. We moved to oz and left car behind hoping we could get jobs and still pay car. 9 months my husband was out of work and we had two small children no benefits and no way home. So we had to battle on we sold the car which I now know was wrong but we had too we got hardly anything for it and we asked car loan company if they would discount if we paid early what was left they refused and added charges. I battled for many months and still no. It's now a few years on and my husbands parents get a call from a debt collection agency looking for him....can they do that? So my husband called and they had said they had loan and needed money ASAP. Once again he was out of work and I had hurt my hand we had little savings and were stressed out he advised them if he had money he would have paid every couple of weeks we were getting emails until I sent them all my savings 2022 euro before I had break down total of the debit was 5000 as agreed by debt collection. Now we have letter from law firm asking for 4987 euro in 7 days. We do not have that money and the debt collect agency knows that and it's way more than agreed.

Debt collection agency said the offer of 5000 was a 28 day deal but I have an email to state other wise. What can we do? Really we only owe 2978. It's not a lot in today's current affairs and it's really only the interest outstanding.
You are in Australia, get your parents to tell them not to contact them again, it's not their debt. Do not give your address in Australia to them and ignore all future communications.
I would first tell your husbands parents to have no dealings with the debt collection people. It's between you and debt collectors. Your parents are under no obligation to have any dealings with that crowd. If they continue to harass them, report them. If they haven't already done so, ensure they don't give the debt collectors your address in Aussie. Secondly, as previously mentioned, ignore the debt collectors. For a sum as small as you mentioned, it's simply not worth it for them to chase you for it. They will simply write it off. If you stay in Aussie you'll be fine. If you come back home you may have problems as I'm sure this will be on your credit report but if coming home isn't on the cards, who cares.