Living in Midleton, Cork


Registered User
I am considering purchasing a house in the development of CastleRedmond in Midleton. I do not know the area very well and would appreciate any feedback. In particular, what the traffic like in that area - I work in the city centre 9 to 5. Additionally, does anyone know who built these houses?
I don't live there, but a friend did. The houses are very nice, and the builder was Castlands. They have a number of estates on the go at the moment, including Midleton and Carrigaline.

No doubt others have more information on the traffic etc.

Oh, and by the way, Midleton is a nice town, good resturants and pubs.
Castleredmond is a nice estate on the best side of Midleton in my opinion. Traffic can be an issue in the morning as you will have to cross the outgoing traffic. Can take between 5 and 10 mins to get to the roundabout. The Cotswolds is a nicer development on that side of town
Thanks for the comments. We went to take a second look at the house and were informed by the agent that a bid had firstly been put in that was 5k above the asking price and this was quickly followed by a bid that was 15k above the asking price. Thought it stange that nobody offered the asking price first or even a price below the asking price. We both suspected that the agent was simply trying to get more money out of us and that there was no other buyer - strange in the current market but has left us feeling unsure. I'm sure that a few years ago we would have put in a bid straight away but given that there are so many properties on the market we're going to sit back and wait for the moment.
i think ur right...something fishy there...but on middleton...friends of mine love it there and the night life is good
hi deefox.

i live in midleton. Castleredmond is lovely. Have you looked at the dev over on the mill rd? Tir cluin i think its called. It looks really nice.

Yes pubs n restaurants are very good in midleton. Traffic very bad in the mornings. I leave my house at 8.10am to be in work for 9.30 city centre. Traffic near the tunnell heading for city centre is chaotic in the mornings...