Livid see my email to bank below - blatant rip off

Firstly, read "How to Win Friends and Influence People". There's a good chapter on letter-writing.

Secondly: write a polite and short letter addressed directly to the Chairperson of the financial institution. They don't want the hassle and/or exposure, especially if you have a strong case. (This has worked for me personally and a number of others whom I know.)

Thirdly, the financial regulator might be worth a shot if the Chairperson letter doesn't work.

No bubble burst re customer care and ethics. I will always try to believe in or see the good part of anything (including banks).....thinking that everyone is out to con or rob me is too depressing.

Well back to my book......where was I? ah Once upon a time.....

Yeah actually it was further back in 2002, BOI Insurance took over some of ICS insurance products and accounts. Maybe something similar happened here.