Live in a village or out in the country?


Registered User
I am currently looking for a house to buy. I am considering buying either within walking distance of a village, or else maybe a mile or two away, in a house on its own.

Obviously, by living further out, I would get a nicer house, more privacy, etc. However, I am concerned about being isolated and spending all the time in the car ferrying the kids everywhere.

I would appreciate any opinions on your own experience of either...... what would you do / have you done?, and why?

Moved from a large town to isolated house (nearest 'village' 2 miles, nearest small town 6 miles, nearest shop or pub 2 miles).

Absolutely love it - but we don't have kids so it's a bit easier.

Spend a bit more on petrol, 12 mile each way commute to work (20 mins) but for us that's the only down side - we shop in the town we work in & just have to remember to think of bread/milk etc before we get home.

But the peace and quiet is great, the few neighbours we have are lovely, it's safer, and we have a much nicer house than we would have had in the town.

If you come from a large town or city I would say that you are probably better off on your own than in a village which you may find a bit strange or stifling.

Enjoy the move whatever you decide!
Hi ndp,

I was raised in a rural town, then when travelling when I was older, returned to Dublin to work for 4 years, then built our own home on an acre out in the countryside about 2 miles from where I grew up. I love living in the country, wouldn't part it for the world but I wouldn't live any further than 2 miles from nearest town. Nearest big town is 8 miles which I do large grocery shopping in on Thursdays, I could do shopping in supervalu which is only 2 miles from me but prefer Tesco. I have kids but did live in the country long before I had them and they love the space to run around. Ok you have to ferry them to school but sure people living in towns still drive their kids to school. I bring them to activities which are local. We have bought 3 acres not far from where we live and again about 2 miles from town and hope to sell existing house and build another house within next couple of years. Hope I've been of some help.
I grew up two miles from the nearest village. It really comes down kids I think, you probably won't mind jumping in the car for the ten minute trip for milk but your kids will plague you to be ferried everywhere. We had travel four miles just to get the bus to our secondary school. If you like privacy and open space and don't mind the extra driving then go for it. Assuming you're not heading to the wilds of Donegal you're not going to be that isolated, you'll have neighbours near enough and far enough away if you know what I mean and you kids will grow up as I did not knowing what an overlooked garden is. On the other hand if your kids are teenagers they may not thank you! I would say do get involved in something local so you know get to know the people around you.
NDP, I grew up in a small(ish) town and recently bought a new house there. We considered houses outside the town but in the end decided against it for a few reasons:
  1. As other people have mentioned, it's great not to have to ferry the kids (we have 3) everywhere in the car.
  2. If we go for a few jars down the town it's great to be able to walk home and not worry about Taxis
  3. General convenience of having shops, schools and other activities at our doorstep.
Having lived there for 2 years no I'm not so sure it was the right move. I have to say that I'm not mad about living in an estate full of people you don't really know. Maybe if you got a nice detached house in the town it'd be better but for me I think the next move will be to a house in the country, but not until the kids have the means to transport themselves..
You need a footpath outside your house otherwise everytime the kids want to go absolutely anywhere you will have to drive them.

Likewise at night you are going to be stuck as well. If you have to walk on the road at all some drunk/uninsured/stolen/joyrider will knock you down and possibly kill you. If you take your car you can't have a drink.

Moving house is a very big decision to make and if you get it wrong it will cost you a fortune in legal and estate agent fees to put it right.

Move into a rented house of the type you are thinking of buying for a while and see how it works. With house prices going down you will probably be able to afford a better hous in a year anyway.


My God, you're a barrel of optimism! Thanks for the reply though. Where do you live yourself Murt (i.e. in a town / village / rural area?)
Choice depends so much on your family. I was brought up in a rural community that was simply fantastic for us. Everyone looked after their neighbours. It was important that we had a bus to school which worked wonders as didn't need to be ferried for that. We lived a bit too far away for socialising regularily in the town and that was actually advantageous as exposed to less troubles that town kids were exposed to.We just hung out with neighbours kids. Car was definitely needed for trips to town and still exists today, so if see a home that is serviced by public transport,that would be a huge advantage for your family for extra curricular activities for kids etc. Taxis can bring you home for your own social nights out.Key is feeling safe and comfortable in your home.
Murts post might have seemed negative but country roads are a bit lethal. My parents moved to the country to Dunlavin years ago and the locals around there drive like maniacs. There is no way I would let any kids go near the road for a walk, unless there was a footpath.
Had the same experience myself with the kids. Villages wins hands down in all respects. A lot of petrol, time and hassle saved!
bit of perspective, footpaths are ideal but I where I grew up there are none and I've never heard of any accidents.
Living in the countryside you'll also affect the village dwellers.

I live in a village but outside the school it might as well be Dublin Airport departures ramp.

I choose the village partly because of safety for kids going to and from school (and associated recreational activities) as it's only a 3 minute walk but sometimes they are in more danger walking down there with all the cars, MPVs and SUVs and their associated distracted drivers looking for the most inconvenient parking spot with the quickest getaway.

I did live on my 1 acre once but my wife found it very lonely and needing to get in the car to go anywhere was a total pain. Also traffic moves a lot faster than you think. Get out of your car at a potential site, go back 60 -100 yards into field and set up a picnic chair and see what sort of noise a car (or a construction lorry) makes going by at 60 mph (even though the speed limit might be 50mph).
Thanks for all the replies.

In summary:

6 people seem to be saying "live in the country", but make sure it is within a mile or two of a town

3 people are saying live in a town, mainly due to dependency on cars for doing anything, particularly if there are kids involved.