Littering while gardai watched and did nothing

Caveat - it's not unreasonable to expect people to carry their butts to the next bin.

The solution is simple - throw on ground, stomp on it (most people already manage this bit), then pick up the cold, extinguished cigarette, wrap it in a little paper and stick it in your pocket until beside a bin.

you can pick up a free portable ashtray in most public libraries.

Really? I didn't know that - what are they like?

I live very much in the country (but work in the town) whilst I agree that littering is not acceptable, if I go for a walk (not a bin in sight) would anyone really begrudge me dropping one butt for the duration of my little stroll - it's not much among all the discarded plastic fertiliser sacks and various bits of agricultural debris/machinery etc.

Having said that, I will look into this portable ashtray thingy.
Or do guards leave this stuff to the litter wardens ?
Yes, they do. It is possible (though I'm not certain about this) that the Gardai don't have any enforcement powers on littering. If the litter wardens are identified in the legislation as being the sole enforcement body, there is nothing they can do.
Basically flicking fag butts is basically considered socially accptable - and while technically it is littering it is the one form of littering that is allowed continue.
That's life - I'm surprised you never realised that before this incident.
It's not socially acceptable to me.
well said gianni. I also think the cigarette butts in Ireland on streets everywhere and outside doorways is disgusting. Shame on those who litter this way.

If you find regular littering outside pubs or offices, get onto your local litter warden who should follow up and sort them out.
It may appear a naive question but so be it:

Yes, they do. It is possible (though I'm not certain about this) that the Gardai don't have any enforcement powers on littering.

Does this mean I can dump a wheelbarrow full of my construction rubble outside the garda station or on the street and a garda cant do a thing about it ?