litter fine issued based on junk mail to adress I havent used in 8years. Fight it?



I received a litter fine, sent to an office i last used 8 years ago.

The litter warden opened a bag from which the tags had been removed. There was a letter addressed to me (a circular). On this basis the fine was issued to me.

Is there any point fighting this?

btw., the current residents posted on the fine to me - but not the original envelope with my name on it.
If you can show that the letter was addressed to an office that you can prove you had no association with in the past 8 years and that the letter /circular arrived at that office since your last association with it I would certainly fight it. How did they get your current address?.
Similar thing happened me, received a fine as a rubbish bag was dumped illegally. Litter warden found a letter with my name and an address, which I hadn't lived in for 2 years. They got my correct address and I received a fine by registered post.

I rang the litter warden and was told I could go before the courts and explain my case, but it would probably be cheaper just to pay the fine, I can find better things to do with €150.

I wrote a letter to the county council, explaining I had not lived at that address for two years,attaching proof of my new address and also some bin tag receipts (to show I had no need for illegal dumping). I also gave the contact details of the landlord to verify I no longer lived there.

They replied that they were satisfied with my explanation and the fine was dropped. Check if there is any appeals procedure, if not, write a letter stating your case.
Legally once a notice is issued your only appeal is via the courts. The council is not obliged to consider any appeals.
Legally once a notice is issued your only appeal is via the courts. The council is not obliged to consider any appeals.

Has the fine been validly served if it's not to current address?