Lithuania - Vilnius

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Anyone been here ?? Thinking of going for June bank holiday and have been doing a bit of research - look lovely and has a lot of history and things to do. Hotels are very good value ............but the problem seems to be price of restaurants - they seem very expensive like in minimum €12 for starter and main courses around €30. This is a part of holiday I really enjoy. Not sure if this is accurate and would love to hear from someone who has been there.
Vilnius is fantastic - you'll have a wonderful time. From what I can remember, food was more expensive than you'd have expected alright- but they seem to be huge into their steaks, which could explain it (I had steak most nights!).

There was value to be had - set menus for €25 type-of-thing but its nearly four years since I was there so I may be outdated now.

There was a fabulous restaurant (and fairly famous by all accounts- the name escapes me, but someone in the hotel might be able to tell you) that was kind of out on deck overlooking a valley and river. They gave you blankets to keep you warm and the food was excellent. It was in a really old and beautiful part of the city - not quite suburbs, but say, the equivilent of Smithfield, in Dublin. Well worth a visit, if you can find the name (sorry!).

Have a ball!
I was in Vilnius last year. Beautiful town indeed! They were the European Capital of Culture 2009 and I am sure did up the city quite a bit for that. I did eat at restaurants and did not feel I was getting ripped off. Riga is more expensive and there, I felt it was getting a bit much. Vilnius was perfectly fine.
Thanks for replies and I have just realised that I made an error when converting prices .... I somehow converted to Latvian currency instead of Lithuanian currency .... which makes it very cheap actually. So for anyone going there it looks like great value. Now I am really looking forward to going !!
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